
Artist Statement

A block impression, between the current state of art inspired by metaphysical down under. The colour, of course, has an enormous effect on modern and contemporary relevance. ~ But it's getting cold out there. Something in this exhibition space, the unifying evocation of social issues; at the Glenbow Museum archives in Calgary I was invited to lose myself, and as in Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities, wherein a tacit understanding of the processes made by collector, art historian, teacher and book designer interrelate, yet Stéphane Danis' work forms the public space that can bring true sensory transformation, as I aspire to. ~ Often, after I think a work is finished, I revisit it and find that it can take again a few weeks. This enables me to delve deeper into the fragile drama of drawing, and paint a picture of my inner senses. ~ In related works which inspire me, the Views jury honored Iza Tarasewicz for The Artist's Book by Aisha Khalid, which is at once delightfully blank and full of persuasive, subliminal narrative of a certain nature, which tries to escape our own mortality. ~ Yet I could take another direction altogether. Bolduc openly embraced the joyous fauvistic colour of Matisse, Derain and Dufy. Like his kindred spirit, David Hockney, he relished the primacy and graphic play of free-hand drawing or photography, where, conceptually appropriated by artists as part of the regular series 'In a Word,' Italian artist Carla Accardi and Dutch design studio Metahaven both explore the idea of 'transparency,' and skulk in the sunlight.


Wait what? What did you just read?

I ask myself the same thing after I read a lot of real-life artist statements too similar to the above.

You Can Draw These From a Hat Because It's All Farce

It's okay. It's supposed to be farce. Exactly like too much similar writing about art is not--not intentionally anyway.

Folks have studied and named the fugly beast which is such writing. It is International Art English, or IAE.

Good and Bad Artist Statements

A good artist statement may be:

A bad artist statement probably:

How This Works

This page randomly selects and serves pre-generated farcical artist statements, many of which were created with computer assistance; for example by statistical sentence recombobulation: training an AI on actual IAE, then having it gurgitate similar stuff.

The statements, being AI-generated, are by nature (and if human-created, by dedication) in the Public Domain.

To get another statement, reload the page.

This "statement" is from this source file:


This page doubles as an API. To get a plain-text statement without this explanation, call the page with any GET variable declared, like this:


How to Contribute

To contribute to these entertainments, clone the git repository, do your stuff and submit a pull request.

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